AUTH/3777/6/23 - Complainant v AstraZeneca

Concerns about a patient eligibility checklist for Trixeo on a company website

  • Received
    12 June 2023
  • Case number
  • Applicable Code year
  • Completed
    19 September 2024
  • No breach Clause(s)
  • Additional sanctions
  • Appeal
    Respondent appeal

Case Summary

This case was in relation to a Trixeo (formoterol fumarate dihydrate/glycopyrronium/budesonide) patient eligibility checklist. The complainant alleged that the information about narrow-angle glaucoma was incomplete because it did not include information, detailed in the summary of product characteristics, about the prescriber providing counselling information for patients around acute narrow-angle glaucoma and the importance of stopping treatment if symptoms of it developed.

There was an appeal by AstraZeneca of three of the Panel’s rulings.

The outcome under the 2021 Code was:

No Breach of Clause 2

[Panel’s breach ruling overturned at appeal]

Requirement that activities or materials must not bring discredit upon, or reduce confidence in, the pharmaceutical industry

No Breach of Clause 5.1

[Panel’s breach ruling overturned at appeal]

Requirement to maintain high standards at all times

No Breach of Clause 6.1

[Panel’s breach ruling overturned at appeal]

Requirement that information, claims and comparisons must not be misleading

No Breach of Clause 6.2

Requirement that information, claims and comparisons must be capable of substantiation

This summary is not intended to be read in isolation.
For full details, please see the full case report below.