Choose a letter from the index to search the Code Of Practice
- links to Clauses in the Code
- links to supplementary information to a Clause in the Code
- links to a paragraph in the Constitution and Procedure
- ‘teaser ’ advertising
- abbreviated advertisements
- ABPI (the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry) Board of Management
- examinations
- absolute risk, reference to
- administrative charges
- appeals against number of
- determination of charges
- in cases
- in relation to admissions
- in co-promotion
- levels of
- failure to pay
- payment of in relation to rulings
- by Appeal Board
- by Panel
- administrative staff, promotion to
- admissions by pharmaceutical companies
- advance notification of new products
- adverse reactions
- claims about
- need to consult SPC
- references to in prescribing information
- reporting mechanisms
- advertising to the public
- advice on Code
- all-embracing claims
- amendments to Code and Constitution and Procedure
- amount of advertising in journals
- animal data, use of
- appeals against Panel rulings
- appeals by complainants
- appeals by respondent companies
- appearance before Appeal Board
- withdrawal of appeals
- approval of promotional material – see certification
- artwork, illustrations, graphs and tables
- general
- abbreviated advertisements
- references to sources when taken from published studies
- use of statistical information
- audio, audio-visual material and interactive data systems etc
- abbreviated advertisements not permitted
- certification
- prescribing information requirements
- audit of company’s procedures
- charges for
- automated calling systems
- benefit/risk profile
- benefits
- black triangle symbol
- in abbreviated advertisements
- in material intended for patients
- Blue Guide
- bonus stock – see samples
- brand names, use of other companies’
- Bribery Act
- briefing material for representatives
- British Medical Association
- case reports
- consultation with
- on appointment of Appeal Board independent registered medical practitioners
- on Code
- Medical Ethics Today
- carers, hospitality to
- case preparation manager
- case reports
- certification
- general
- audio and audio-visual material etc
- content of certificate
- educational material relating to diseases or medicines
- Internet
- joint working material
- meetings held outside UK
- non-promotional material relating to the provision of medical and educational goods and services
- notification of signatories
- patient organisation material
- patient support programme material
- preservation of certificates
- promotional aids
- promotional material
- promotional material at international conferences in UK
- qualifications and experience of signatories
- children in advertisements
- clinical assessments
- clinical and scientific opinion
- current views of authors
- disparaging clinical and scientific opinion
- emerging opinion
- clinical trials, disclosure of details
- clinical trial data, use of
- Codes of Practice for Advertising Over-the-Counter Medicines of the PAGB
- Code of Practice Appeal Board
- Constitution and Procedure
- independent members to be in a majority
- membership
- power to publicly reprimand
- power to require audit
- power to require a corrective statement
- power to require pre-vetting
- power to require recovery of items
- reports from Code of Practice Panel
- reports to ABPI Board
- reports to, consideration of
- rulings
- Code of Practice levy
- Code of Practice Panel
- Constitution and Procedure
- membership
- power to suspend advertising on complaints from Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- power to suspend material or activities in certain circumstances pending an appeal
- reports to Appeal Board
- rulings
- Commission on Human Medicines, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and licensing authority, references to
- comparisons
- general
- disparaging references, prohibition on
- hanging comparisons
- price/cost comparisons
- competitions & quizzes
- Competition and Markets Authority consultation with on Code
- complaints procedure
- complaints from Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
- confidentiality of complainants – see introduction to Constitution and Procedure
- dealing with complaints
- making complaints general – see introduction to Constitution and Procedure
- general – see introduction to Constitution and Procedure
- by pharmaceutical companies
- withdrawal of complaints
- conciliation between companies
- conferences – see meetings
- confidence in the industry
- consultants
- disclosure of payments to
- from patient organisations
- use of
- continuing professional development meetings and courses
- contracts with institutions etc
- co-promotion
- corporate advertising, examination of
- cost comparisons
- criticism in media
- current views of authors
- data on file, provision of
- date of prescribing information
- date of promotional material
- delivery of items by representatives
- discounts – see trade practices
- discredit to the industry
- disease awareness campaigns
- Disease Awareness Campaigns Guidelines
- disguised promotion
- disparaging references, prohibition on
- distribution of promotional material
- doctors, use of names and photographs
- donations
- in lieu of hospitality
- to charities
- to institutions etc
- see also prohibition on financial inducements
- DVDs for health professessionals
- dynamic content for websites
- economic evaluation of medicines
- educational goods and services, provision of
- EFPIA Code on the Promotion of Prescription – Only Medicines to, and Interactions with, Healthcare Professionals
- EFPIA Code of Practice on Relationships between the Pharmaceutical Industry and Patient Organisations
- EFPIA Code on Disclosure of Transfers of Value by Pharmaceutical Companies to Healthcare Professionals and Healthcare Organisations
- electronic data communications
- email, use of
- emoticons, use of
- employee responsible for ensuring compliance with Code
- employees, current and prospective, information for
- Europe – definition of term
- European Directive
- exaggerated or all-embracing claims
- examinations for representatives
- exhibitions and exhibition panels, prescribing information requirements
- experience programmes
- extremes of format, size & cost of promotional material
- facsimile, use of
- films – see audio-visual material and interactive data systems etc
- financial inducements, prohibition of
- free goods – see samples
- frequency
- of mailings
- of mailings for new medicines
- of calls by representatives
- General Medical Council
- General Pharmaceutical Council
- gifts
- grants to institutions etc
- graphs – see artwork, illustrations, graphs and tables
- guidelines on company procedures relating to the Code of Practice
- hanging comparisons
- health professionals, use of names and photographs
- health professions, criticism of
- healthcare organisation – definition of term
- healthy volunteer studies, use of data from
- high standards, maintenance of
- hospitality
- limit on cost of meal
- Human Medicines Regulations
- IFPMA Code of Practice
- illustrations
- see artwork, illustrations, graphs and tables
- inducements
- information to the public
- inserts in journals
- cannot be abbreviated advertisements
- size of
- see also si to
- interactive data systems
- see audio, audio-visual material and interactive data systems etc
- international conferences, symposia and meetings
- see meetings
- international journals, advertising in
- Internet
- general
- abbreviated advertisements not permitted
- access to promotional material by public
- certification
- journals
- prescribing information requirements
- in-vitro data, use of
- items delivered by representatives
- joint ventures & co-promotion
- joint working with the NHS
- journal advertising
- advertising in international journals
- specific requirements
- see also abbreviated advertisements in professional publications
- knocking copy
- labelling
- labelling of medicines
- labelling of samples
- legislation
- levy
- failure to pay
- level of
- licensing authority, references to
- limitations on journal advertising
- links to prescribing information
- loans,long term or permanent
- mailings
- frequency and number of
- mailed medicines
- mailing lists
- margins – see trade practices
- market extension
- market research
- disclosure of payments
- general
- guidelines – The Legal & Ethical Guidelines for Healthcare Market Research
- market share claims
- marketing authorization
- meals – limit on cost
- media
- complaints arising from
- relations with
- medical and educational goods and services, provision of
- medicines
- distributed in hospitals
- handled by representatives
- posted
- Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
- case reports
- complaints from
- consultation with
- on appointment of Appeal Board independent members
- on Code
- Disease Awareness Campaigns Guidelines
- MHRA Drug Safety Update
- references to
- submission of briefing material
- submission of certificates
- submission of names of signatories for promotional material
- The Blue Guide Advertising and Promotion of Medicines in the UK
- meetings general
- attendance by administrative staff
- certification of meetings held outside the UK
- continuing professional development (CPD) meetings and courses
- exhibitions and exhibition panels, prescribing information requirements
- held outside the UK
- certification of
- hospitality, provision of
- involving travel outside the UK
- certification of
- organised by affiliates
- payment of room rental
- payment of travelling and accommodation expenses
- prohibition on inducements and payments for interviews
- promotion at international meetings
- reports on meetings
- sponsorship of attendance at meetings, disclosure of
- sponsorship of meetings, disclosure of
- subsistence, provision of
- venue, suitability of
- membership
- of Code of Practice Appeal Board
- of Code of Practice Panel
- memory sticks for health professionals
- MHRA Drug Safety Update
- naked or partially naked people, use of in advertising
- National Health Service, joint working with
- new medicines
- advance notification of new products
- avoidance of extremes of format, size or cost
- introduction of a new medicine
- limitations on mailings
- use of the word ‘new’
- non - interventional studies of marketed medicines
- approval and supervision of
- disclosure of
- general
- non-proprietary name, size and position
- Nursing & Midwifery Council – Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives
- offence, causing
- official documents, reproduction of
- other relevant decision makers – definition of term
- outcome agreements
- over-the-counter medicines
- definition of term
- scope of the Code
- package deals
- package leaflets
- on the Internet
- provision to the public
- patient access schemes
- patient carers, hospitality to
- patient information leaflets
- provision by doctors to patients
- patient organisations
- relationships with
- disclosure of support
- services provided by
- patients, items given to
- patient support items
- payments for interviews
- pharmacovigilance – personnel’s knowledge of
- post - authorization studies
- postcards, use of
- posted medicines
- post-marketing surveillance studies
- potency per weight claims
- pre-printed private prescription forms
- prescribing information
- general
- date of
- exemptions
- legibility
- provision on
- audio-visual etc
- exhibitions and exhibition panels
- Internet
- journal advertisements
- multi-page advertisements other than journal advertisements
- requisite information
- size of non-proprietary name
- typesize
- prescription forms
- pre-printed private prescription forms
- reproduction of official documents
- Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority annual report
- material to be supplied to Authority
- authority of Director to require material
- copies of certificates
- examination status of representatives
- material required for scrutiny
- medical representatives briefing material
- names of signatories
- scrutiny
- structure and responsibilities
- press conferences and press announcements
- pre-vetting
- cost of
- power of Appeal Board to require
- price comparisons
- price lists
- prices – see trade practices
- prizes
- private prescription forms, preprinted
- professional publications
- promotional aids
- public assessment reports (European & UK)
- outside scope of the Code
- provision of
- on the Internet
- to the public
- public health campaigns
- responsibility for
- public, relations with
- advertising to
- disease awareness campaigns
- enquiries from
- exposed mailings
- Internet
- provision of information to
- provision of samples to not allowed
- public health campaigns
- quizzes
- quotations
- referee, independent
- references
- prohibition in abbreviated advertisements
- references to published studies
- relative risk, reference to
- remote detailing
- replies to individual enquiries
- reply paid cards
- reply paid cards offering items to be delivered
- representatives, by
- representatives
- general
- briefing material
- contract representatives
- definition of term
- delivering items
- examinations
- frequency & manner of calls on doctors
- hospitality and payments for meetings
- identifying themselves
- items delivered by representatives
- prohibition on payments for interviews
- provision of summary of product
- representatives, characteristics by
- training, general
- reprints of articles, distribution of
- reproduction of official documents
- risk/benefit profile
- risk, relative and absolute
- risk sharing agreement
- room rental, payment
- Royal College of Nursing
- case reports
- consultation with on appointment of Appeal Board
- independent registered nurse prescriber
- on Code
- Royal Pharmaceutical Society
- case reports
- consultation with
- on appointment of Appeal Board independent registered pharmacist
- on Code
- rulings
- by Appeal Board
- by Panel
- safe, use of the word
- samples
- general
- definition of
- distribution
- in hospitals
- to the public not allowed
- identification samples
- labelling
- maximum number of
- posted
- request forms and their retention
- size
- starter packs
- system of control and accountability
- titration packs
- use as inducement
- use for patient treatment
- which medicines can be sampled?
- sanctions
- audit of company’s procedures
- case reports
- corrective statements
- pre-vetting
- publication in medical, pharmaceutical and nursing press
- recovery of items
- reports to Appeal Board and ABPI Board
- reprimand and publication
- suspension/expulsion from ABPI
- special provision for non ABPI companies
- undertakings from companies ruled in breach
- scientific service in charge of information
- general
- reports on adverse reactions by representatives
- scientific service in charge of non-interventional studies of marketed medicines
- scope of the Code
- scrutiny
- Serious Fraud Office consultation with on Code
- sexual imagery, use of
- side-effects – see adverse reactions
- size of promotional material
- abbreviated advertisements, size of
- journal advertisements, size of
- sponsorship of material and meetings, disclosure of
- sponsorship of meeting attendance, disclosure of
- starter packs
- statistical information, use of
- subsistence, provision of
- substantiation of information, claims and comparisons
- suitability and taste
- summaries of product characteristics
- outside scope of the Code
- need to consult
- provision of
- by representatives
- on the Internet
- to the public
- with press releases and press packs
- with samples
- summary in prescribing information
- superlatives
- suspension of advertising on complaints from Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
- suspension of material or activities pending appeal when required by Panel
- switch and therapy review programmes
- symposia – see meetings
- tables – see artwork, illustrations, graphs and tables
- taste in advertising
- telemessages, use of
- telephone and text messages, use of
- terms of trade – see trade practices
- textbooks, provision of
- text messages, use of
- the, use of the word
- therapy review programmes
- timing under complaints procedure
- general
- appeals
- commenting on appeal by complainant
- commenting on appeal by respondent
- extensions
- payment of administrative charge
- providing an undertaking on rulings by
- Appeal Board
- Panel
- responding to complaint
- suspension pending appeal when required by Panel
- titration pack – see samples
- trade practices, prices, discounts, margins, etc
- training
- training on Code
- training of representatives
- transfers of value
- central platform for disclosure
- definition of term
- travelling expenses
- unauthorized medicines and unauthorized indications
- undertakings by companies ruled in breach
- undertakings, breach of
- unique, use of the word
- unlicensed medicines, price lists of
- volume of promotional material
- voluntary admissions by pharmaceutical companies
- WHO Ethical criteria for medicinal drug promotion
- withdrawal of complaints and appeals
- wraparounds, on journals
- yellow cards
Choose a letter from the index to search the Code Of Practice
- links to Clauses in the Code
- links to supplementary information to a Clause in the Code
- links to a paragraph in the Constitution and Procedure